Robin's Nest Read online

Page 7


  After eating, we cleaned the kitchen and wash our dishes together. Robin took the last dish from me and dried it before putting it back into the cabinet. "Let's go into the living room and sit down for a while," he suggested.

  "Okay," I wiped down the counters before draping the dishcloth over the edge of the sink, then followed him into the living room.

  I waited as he sat in one corner of the sofa, kicked off his shoes, then turned almost sideways so one leg ran along the back of the couch, but the other still sat on the floor in front of him.

  "Wanna come sit with me?" He held his arms open.

  I had kicked off my shoes as soon as I walked in the door like I always do. I sat in front of him, my back rested against his chest. "Is there something you wanted to talk about? Or do you want to watch another movie?"

  "Talk first, then maybe another movie. If you'd like."

  "Okay." I waited for him to tell me whatever was on his mind.

  He wrapped his arms around me and held me gently. "I want to make certain," he started, his tone serious, "you know that I'm not trying to pressure you. I want to assure you that I will only go as far as you are comfortable with or want to go. I know we're moving at light speed. I don't want you to feel like I'm pushing you to do anything you're not ready for or don't want." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I didn't make sure we have condoms because I'm expecting something to happen. I did it because I wanted to be prepared, just in case.

  "I know it's been less than forty-eight hours since you woke up and learned you'd almost died." His arms tightened around me for a moment, then loosened again. "I want you to be sure this is what you want and it's not a knee jerk reaction to almost dying."

  I turned in his arms so I was sitting sideways in his arms and could look him in the face as he continued to talk.

  "I've had more than a couple of days to come to terms with the emotions that came rushing to the surface when you were hurt. I also realize that you haven't had that. I need to make sure we're clear." He looked down at me. "I'm happy to stay here with you tonight either way. I can sleep on the couch, or even like we did last night, whatever you want."

  "Are you done?"

  He was quiet for a second, thinking. "I think so,"

  "Then it's my turn." I looked him squarely in the face so he could read mine. "I appreciate your concern that I might feel pressured and that you're so worried about me warms my heart." I paused for a second. "This isn't something I've decided to jump into without a lot of thought. I even talked to Aunt Sophia about it yesterday. I promise, I'm not rushing into anything. If it will make you feel better, I'll promise to let you know if, at any point, I'm not comfortable with what's going on.

  "Now, on a slightly different note. Since I believe in honesty and full disclosure, I'll tell you now. I said earlier that it's been a while. To be accurate, it's been more than a year since I've been in a relationship that included sex, since then I've tested clean. I'm not gonna go into details about my sexual history now, maybe not ever, but I don't expect you to either." I looked at my lap, not wanting to see his reaction to what I had to say next. "I expect complete honesty. I don't really care about how long, just about medical status."

  He took my chin in one hand and lifted, until I was looking at him again. "I haven't been in a relationship in over a year, you know that." His voice was soft. "Sure, I've dated some, but nothing more than two or three dates. I quit having one-night-stands a long time ago. I got a clean bill of health six months ago."

  "Good." I nodded. "I would say I'm on the pill, lets skip the condoms, except I haven't taken a pill since the eighth and I doubt birth control was included in the medications they gave me in the hospital."

  "No, it probably wasn't."

  "I've never made that offer to anyone else. I've never gone without something between my partner and me. That I would even think of going without says a lot about how much I trust you."

  Robin's arms tightened around me again. "Thank you." He murmured into my ear. "You're not alone, I've never been without that barrier either. We'll see how things go, and maybe, after a while, we can experience it together." He placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

  "I'd like that." I whispered, my arms going around him.

  "Now that we've got all the heavy talk over with, do you want to watch a movie?"

  "Sure, what do you want to watch?"

  "How does Armageddon sound? I know you have it." He poked me gently in the side.

  Yeah, I had a copy of Armageddon, I love it for so many reasons. First, I'm a huge Bruce Willis fan, even if it isn't his best work. Second, Ben Affleck is eye candy. Add in a guy who stands up to your dad, who's been like a father to him in many ways, because loves you? It's a win all the way around.

  "Sounds good. Why don't you get it started while I put on something more comfortable?"

  "Are you gonna put back on that tee shirt and shorts?" He gave me a playful leer.

  "That was my plan. Maybe, after the movie, you'll tell me more about this wet dream business you were telling me about." I headed for the bedroom. "You can toss some popcorn into the microwave, if you want."


  Back in the living room, I settled onto the sofa with Robin, in much the same position we'd started out in earlier. He sat almost sideways on the sofa and I was in front of him, my back against his chest, the bowl of popcorn in my lap where we could both reach it.

  The narrator was talking about an asteroid that killed the dinosaurs as Robin draped his arm along the back of the couch. I knew he did it because it was comfortable, but it was almost like having his arms around me. It made me feel good.

  We both made comments when the meteor flamed over the World Trade Center with one burning tower. When we got to the scene where Harry found Grace's bra in AJ's bedroom Robin bent to murmur in my ear. "Well, we know she's bra-less, how about you?" He slid one hand under my tee shirt and up my side. He kissed the sensitive spot behind my ear and sent a shudder through my body. "Hmm… feels like no bra to me." He quietly slid his hand back down my side never having touched my breast and around my belly to rest under my shirt.

  We went back to watching the movie, but I could feel his thumb moving back and forth against my skin. It occurred to me this could easily become one of my favorite ways to watch a movie.

  When the movie got to the scene where AJ proposes to Grace I noticed how similar our positions were. Sure, they were in the exhaust tube of a space shuttle and we were on a sofa, but the way we were positioned was pretty much mirror image to the screen. As AJ nuzzled Grace's neck, Robin did the same to me.

  As Grace and AJ had having their animal cracker Discovery Channel moment Robin slid his hand up slightly and whispered, "What they don't tell you here, is you're supposed to start north, with hopes of moving south, eventually."

  I laughed. "I understand now why you wanted to watch this particular movie."

  He chuckled. "Do you want me to stop?"

  "No, it’s fun. Though, I have to admit, it's an interesting method of making a move on someone."

  "I'm not making a move on you," Robin pretended innocence. "That would be pressuring you. I'm building anticipation."

  "Building anticipation." A smile spread across my face. "I like it, I'll have to remember that one." I stretched up and gave him a soft kiss, gently brushing the hair from his face before snuggling back against him, then turning my attention back to the movie. His hand moved, almost absently, against the skin under my shirt.

  We watched the rest of the movie with small comments and brief discussions about the characters, plot and events in the movie until the final scene. When the drillers landed in Houston and crossed the tarmac to meet those awaiting their return, I turned to Robin.

  "Is that how you felt when I woke up? Like I'd finally returned from a mission you didn't know if I'd survive?"

  He paused for a moment. "Actually, I don't think it's all that different." He looked surprised.
"I hadn't thought about it quite that way until you said it, but it's pretty accurate."

  At the end, as they panned over the photos of the fallen driller-turned-astronauts during the wedding scene, I turned in my seat, until my upper body faced Robin's, then stretched up to kiss him again.

  It wasn't a quick, gentle kiss. This time I tried to use my kiss to show him how well his building anticipation had worked. I pressed my lips against his and gently ran my tongue along the seam of his mouth, trying to get him to open to me.

  When he relented, I pushed my tongue inside, letting it tangle with his in an erotic dance that only served to inflame us both. I wrapped one arm around his neck and ran my hand through the short hair on the back of his head, pulling him closer. I moved my other hand from cupping the side of his face and slid it down his chest, across his shirt and over one slightly raised nipple to his waist. I slid my hand under his shirt and around to his back. I pulled his body snug against mine, my mouth still locked on his. Until I felt his long hardness pressing into me. I broke away from the kiss and let go of his head, but kept the rest of me pressed against him.

  "Do you have any doubts?" I whispered. He gave his head a quick shake and I took his hand as I got up off the couch. "Then come with me." I pulled him down the short hallway into my bedroom.


  As we reached the bedroom I turned back to Robin and started tugging at his shirt. “Off."

  He quickly unbuttoned and pushed the shirt off his shoulders, revealing the slender, muscled torso I knew was underneath. While he was busy with his shirt, I pulled my top off over my head. As I tossed the wad of fabric aside, he took my waist, and pulled me close once more. I wrapped both arms around him and held him a moment, resting my head against his shoulder. I closed my eyes and reveled in the feel of his skin against mine, the warmth of him seeping into my skin for a few moments. Shifting, I reached my tongue out and flicked it over and over the small hard nipple.

  Robin drew his breath in a sharp gasp. His hands slowly caressed up and down my back. I loved the sharp contrast of his calloused hands sliding over my smooth skin. He brought one hand around, caressing it over my waist and stomach, then working his way up my torso.

  I tilted my head back and pushed up on my toes so I could kiss him again. He brought his hand up to cup one breast. Rubbing his thumb back and forth over the puckered nipple, he wrung a moan of pleasure from me. Slowly, he walked me backward until the backs of my legs hit the edge of the bed. He broke the kiss to lay me on the bed. Bending over me, he gave me another brief kiss before moving down my body. He showered gentle kisses along my neck and ran his tongue along my collarbone, sending shivers through my body. He moved his hand from behind my back to join the other, cupping my breasts. He squeezed the fleshy mounds as he flicked my nipples back and forth, I felt another groan working its way up my throat.

  I slid my hands up the back of his body, as he worked his way down the front of mine. He moved until all I could reach was his upper back and shoulders. With little else I could do, I ran my hands through his hair.

  He braced himself on the mattress beside me, used one hand to mound the flesh of my breast up into a peak, and captured the nipple in his mouth. My back arched off the bed and I dug my fingers into his scalp, pulling him closer. I could barely think as he flicked the sensitive tip back and forth while still enveloping it in the heat of his mouth. All I knew was that I never wanted it to end.

  Robin released the first nipple and moved across my body until he could give the other breast the same attention. I could only moan and pull at his body as he worked both nipples, one with his tongue, the other with the hand he'd brought back to it as soon as his mouth moved away. His hand slid down my body, caressing as it moved over my belly, around my waist, and under my arched back, holding me against him. I pulled him upward, instead of closer, trying to get him to move up my body so I could kiss him again. As he moved higher I moved my hands down his body, when our lips met, I opened my mouth to his, eagerly meeting the thrust of his tongue against mine. I wrapped my hands around his body and squeezed his ass through the snug denim of his jeans.

  I pushed at him and he started to pull away, to stop. Instead, I rolled him onto his back and followed, never breaking the kiss as we switched places. I took on the role of aggressor easily. I captured his wrists in both my hands and placed them against the headboard.

  "Leave them." I murmured, breaking the kiss. I scattered small kisses over his face. "It's my turn." I whispered in his ear, then gently pulled at his earlobe with my teeth. I caressed my way down his neck with my lips and teeth to send shivers through his body.

  I trailed my tongue across his collarbone and splayed both hands over his chest. I flicked at his nipples as I rubbed my hands up and down his body. Moving my way up to kiss him while I lightly ran my fingernails against his skin. I released his mouth and moved lower so that I cold lave my tongue over his small nipples, going back and forth between the two of them. He groaned, arched, and moved beneath me, but his hands stayed where I put them.

  I continued to flick and gently bite at his nipples with my mouth while moving my hands down to rub along his legs through the heavy fabric of his jeans. I brought one hand up to cup the hardness straining the zipper. Robin moaned louder as I gently massaged him through the cloth. I moved lower so I could run my tongue just above the waistband of his jeans. I occasionally dipped my tongue below the edge of his pants, and reaching one hip, I nipped carefully with my teeth.

  "Do you want to keep these on?" I looked up at him through my lashes, my mouth still against his body.

  "Not if you want them off," He rasped, heat and desire filled his eyes.

  With slow movements, I unbuttoned his jeans, then started sliding them down his body. All the while still taking gentle bites at the skin just below his belly button. He lifted his hips to make it easier, but kept his hands where I'd put them. I tugged his jeans down his hips, leaving his underwear in place, then climbed off the bed to grab the legs and pull them off.

  I knelt at the foot of the bed and ran my eyes up the length of him, admiring his muscular thighs and the growing bulge in his briefs as my eyes made their way up to his face. I became aware we were wearing pretty much the same thing, him in just briefs and me in cut-off sweats that didn't cover much more.

  My stomach did somersaults at the look of hunger on his face as he watched me. I began at his feet and worked my way up his body, running my hands up his legs as I moved to sit astride his thighs. Leaning forward, I braced my hands on either side of him so my naked breasts pressed into his stomach as I lay on top of him. I stretched so I could play with on his nipples again, still watching through my lashes to see his reaction.

  "What are you thinking?" I breathed across his skin.

  He moaned. "God! You are so sexy. But I may die if I'm not allowed to put my hands on you soon." His voice was breathless.

  I folded my hands across his chest and rested my chin on them, still looking up at him. "What, exactly, would you do if I allow you to move them?" I knew my eyes revealed my mischief as I smiled.

  "Make love to you."

  "I said exactly. I want details, boy." I teased him, wiggling my body so that my breasts pressed into him.

  "Oh God, Sammie." He arched into me. "I want to touch you, lick you, run my hands all over your body." He spoke as I continued to move against him.

  I moved one hand from under my chin and slid it down his body, lifting my belly enough to slip the hand in between us and caress him through his underwear.

  "I want to fuck you," he yelled, almost frantic.

  I lifted my head and started to sit up, moving my hands away. He whimpered at the sudden loss.

  "You've been such a good boy for me, by all means, move them."

  Before I could think about taking it back, His hands were on my hips as he flipped me over, switching our positions. I lay stunned, staring up at him as he pinned me to the bed with his body. I felt the hard length of
him pressing against the most intimate part of me, I rolled my hips in invitation.

  "God, woman, you're gonna make me lose my head if you keep doing that."

  "Good." I rolled my hips again. "Thought is overrated sometimes."

  "Not entirely." He ran his hands down my torso, touching and teasing every inch of skin he could find. He paused, only to briefly to pinch and roll my puckered nipples between his thumb and forefingers. As he worked his way down to my hips, he slipped a couple of fingers beneath the waistband of my shorts then looked at me. "May I?"

  "It would be cruel to stop you now." I lifted one eyebrow. "For us both."

  "You asked my permission, I can only be as considerate of you."

  "Take them." I lifted my hips so he could remove them. I felt his hands as they slid down the sides of my body, stopping just above the knees.

  "No panties?" His surprise was clear.

  I smiled and lowered my hips back to the bed then shook my head.

  "All this time you had no panties. If I'd known, we wouldn't have made it through the movie."

  "Now that you know," I grinned, "what are you going to do about it?"

  "You'll find out soon enough." He moved to the foot of the bed and finished getting rid of my shorts. Then, leaning down, he picked up his jeans and took a string of condoms from the pocket. "See, clear thought isn't always a bad thing." He tossed the condoms next to the pillow under my head. He quickly shed his briefs before climbing back on the bed. Seeing his long hard cock, bobbing as he moved, made me groan in anticipation.