Robin's Nest Page 9
"I was hungry." He shrugged. "Besides, it gave me something to do while you were busy. How did it go?"
I released him, moved to sit on the tall stool I kept nearby and recounted my conversation with the insurance adjuster.
"Maybe you'd be better off with an attorney." He suggested after hearing the story.
"Maybe." I shrugged. "I'm good for now, unless they give me any more trouble, I'll leave it like it is. If they start giving me a hard time again, I'll look into getting an attorney."
After eating, we curled up together on the sofa with our books. We were soon lost in our own worlds, but spending time together at the same time. Knowing I didn't have to entertain him was almost as comforting as his body lying against mine.
In many ways, Robin and I already shared a level of comfort that's usually only found in couples who've been together for years. In a way, we'd been together for years, just not in quite the same way. I loved that I could talk to him about anything, no matter how stupid or embarrassing. It felt great.
It was about nine-thirty when Robin sat up. "I don't know about you, but I was up early and I'm tired. If you don't mind, I think I'll take a shower and get cleaned up before I fall asleep right here."
"Go right ahead. I want you to feel at home. You don't have to ask to take a shower or go to bed. If you do anything that bothers me, I'll let you know. Otherwise, have at it."
"Thanks." He leaned over and gave me a leisurely kiss, then stood and went into the other room.
I waited a few minutes, listening for the bathroom door to close before getting up. I made one last round of the house, closing outside doors, shutting lights off and making sure all the food had been put away, before following him into the bedroom. I spent a few minutes gathering what I wanted, then stripped and quietly slipped into the bathroom to join Robin in the shower.
He stood under the spray, his head tilted back as water ran over his face and into his ears, preventing him from hearing me climb into the tub. He almost jumped out of his skin when I slid my arms around him and lowered my tongue to one hard nipple. He quickly recovered and wrapped his arms around me to enjoy the slickness of our skin covered in water. "Hmm. Feeling frisky tonight?" He grinned down at me.
I gave him a crafty smile. "You had your way last night, I figured tonight's my turn."
"Your turn, huh? What you have in mind? Whips and chains?"
"Would you mind if I said yes?" I watched his response.
"Probably not. I'm open to at least trying a lot. Do you?"
"Not yet." I flashed him a mischievous grin. "But I'm not telling you what I have planned. You'll just have to be a good boy, and wait and see."
I reached past him, took the soap from the rack hanging from the showerhead, and stepped back. Squirting a small amount into my palm, I started washing my body. I took my time, watching Robin's reaction as I smoothed the soap over my breasts, cupping them as if offering them to him. I pinched my nipples and moaned softly at the bolt of heat it sent through me. I rubbed my soapy hands slowly down the rest of my skin, making sure not to miss anything.
Once I had my body covered in soap, I reached for him. Motioning for him to turn around, I added a little more soap to my hands before starting at his shoulders and working my way down. I lathered his shoulders, back, over his buttocks and down each of his legs. Then, reaching around, I worked the soap up the fronts of his legs, sliding my soap-slick breasts against the back of his body as I moved higher. I skirted his manhood and went to his stomach and chest. My breasts pressed tightly against him as I reached around him to rub the soap all over his chest before sliding one hand down to clean his balls and now hard cock. I brought both hands up, sliding through the water cascading over his body to flick both nipples with my thumbs.
Robin growled and spun in my arms. He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me as he lowered his mouth to mine. He dominated the kiss, keeping my mouth hostage as he stepped backwards, into the spray of water. The hot water rushed over our bodies, rinsing away the soap as it ran over our skin. He pulled away from the kiss only long enough to let the soap rinse from between our bodies.
"You can be in charge later, once we're in the bedroom. Right now you're mine." He narrowed his eyes at me, realizing something. "You did this on purpose, didn't you?"
I nodded and gave him a wily look as he pushed my back against the tile wall surrounding the tub.
"I don't know how you do this to me, but I have to have you. Now." He lifted my leg and pulled it around his waist.
Before I could think of a response, he plunged his cock deep inside me, sinking all the way in with a single swift thrust. I wrapped both legs around him, locking my ankles behind his back. His weight pinned me against the wall and his hands on my body were the only things holding me up as he thrust deep again and again. I stretched up to kiss him and felt the walls of my pussy clamp around him as I started to climax. Robin made one final deep thrust and I felt him erupt inside me.
Oh, shit. My heart jumped into my throat as my stomach dropped.
I looked up, wide-eyed, into Robin's face and saw the same realization in his eyes. No condom. He pulled out and set me back on my feet, then backed away.
"I'm sorry," he said. "I forgot."
"You aren't the only one," I shook my head. "Let's finish our shower, then we can sit down and talk."
"Okay." He stepped under the water and rinsed one more time. "I'm done. I was just finishing up when you climbed in. I'll dry off, get dressed and wait for you." He traded places with me, careful not to get any of the soap still lingering on me onto him.
"Not too dressed, I hope?" I shot him a grin as I grabbed the shampoo bottle.
"Just sweats for now, unless you want more?"
"No, that's fine. I just don't want you ready to leave."
He shook his head. "I have no plans to leave, unless you want me to. I'll wait for you in the living room." He stepped out of the shower and closed the curtain.
"I'll be out soon."
The bathroom door closed as I washed my hair. I finished my shower and shut off the water, all the while worrying how the imminent talk with Robin would go. I dried off, slipped on my panties and over-sized tee shirt, opting to skip the shorts, and headed to join him in the living room.
In the living room, I found Robin sitting on one end of the sofa. He was perched on the edge, his elbows on his knees and his face buried in his hands. He looked up as I came into the room, distress clear on his face. I sat near him, facing but not quite touching him.
"Talk to me," I said.
"I'm sorry." His voice was hoarse. "I forgot. I have no excuse. I'll support whatever you decide you want to do, just don't make me leave." He seemed desperate, more so than the situation warranted, at least in my opinion.
"Back up a sec. Asking you to leave never crossed my mind, only stopping you if you tried. Not that I thought you would. Now that you leaving is off the table, look at me."
He turned so we were sitting on the sofa, facing each other, close but not touching.
"I don't blame you," I looked him in the eye, "at all. You didn't get in the shower planning on sex, you had no reason to have a condom ready." I took a deep breath and looked at my hands, resting in my lap. "If there's blame to be shouldered, it's mine. I planned on seducing you in the shower and I forgot too."
"You don't blame me?"
I looked up at him. "Why would I? I'm an adult too and it's as much my responsibility as yours."
"Okay." He seemed reluctant to believe me.
I took a deep breath and forged ahead. "Next, this is not a decision I'll live with alone and it's not a decision I will make alone. I want your input and I want to know your reasoning, as well as explain mine to you."
"I can live with that." He took a deep breath of his own.
"I hope you can live with it, because your only other choice is dying with it." I tried to lighten the mood a little. He was tense and I wanted him to relax
a little.
He gave me a weak smile.
"Here are our options," I continued, "cycle-wise, timing couldn't be worse. I'm at the right time to get pregnant, should I want to. We basically have two choices right now. One, do nothing and chance it. Two, get a morning after pill."
"Okay," he waited for me to finish.
"Before we make that decision, there are some things to consider."
"Numbers? How often does it work versus fail?"
"I'll get to that, but it isn't my first concern. First, I want you to know a bit about my outlook on life and sex. I have a policy, one I've stuck to since I became sexually active."
Robin tilted his head without saying anything, he looked confused but intrigued.
"Before I sleep with anyone. I ask myself one question. 'Does the possibility of having a child with this man, and being tied to him for the rest of my life, bother me?' If the answer is yes, sex is off the table."
"Um," he looked down, then back at me, "obviously I passed that one."
"Not only did you pass it, you are the first person that when the question was considered, not only didn't it bother me, it actually appealed to me, at least in my head." I met his eyes. "Someday, Robin, you'll make a wonderful father."
He picked up one of my hands. "Thank you," he kissed the palm. "That's one of the sweetest things anyone's ever said to me." Instead of letting go, he kept my hand in his.
"Okay, next stage." I moved on. "Say we decide not to take the morning after pill and chance that I don't get pregnant. I have no clue what the odds are. Some women can go months, even years, with no contraceptive and no birth control, and not get pregnant, some women get pregnant very, very easily. I have no clue where I'll land on that scale, it's a crapshoot. Say we choose to chance it and it ends up that I'm pregnant. What do we do then?"
"That would be up to you." His voice was quiet.
"Hey, none of that." I used my free hand to poke him in the shoulder. "We're talking about this because I want to know how you feel. I don't want to hear that it's my decision. It took two of this to get to this point and it will be both of us determining what to do about it." I knew my voice was harsh, but I didn't like the passive attitude.
"Are you sure you want to know how I feel?" He asked, hesitant.
"That's why we're sitting here. Because I really want to know how you feel.
Robin took a deep breath and let out a sigh. "I don't believe in abortion, so I would say if you do end up pregnant, have the baby."
"Don't believe in? Just a minute ago you were telling me it was my decision."
"Legally, I refuse to take away someone else's choice." He looked away, stared into the distance, not really seeing anything. "I will never have to face being a pregnant teenage girl or rape victim and I can't take away the option for other people." He looked down at his lap where my hand was still in his. "But morally, I believe it's wrong. I'll let you do what you choose, I'll even pay for it, if that's what you want, but it'll tear me up inside to know it's happening."
"I get what you're saying." I put one finger under his chin and lifted his face until he met my eyes. "Because I feel exactly the same way, I could never do it."
Relief flashed in his eyes and some of the tension left his body.
"So," I continued, dropping my hand from his chin to rest on top of our hands in his lap, "that leaves, if I turn up pregnant that I have the baby. From there we would have to choose between keeping it, one or both of us together, and putting it up for adoption. I won't worry about that until we know one way or the other.
"On the other hand, I can make another trip to Safford tomorrow, see a pharmacist and get a morning after pill. Which, because of the way it works, may or may not work."
"What do you mean?" He asked with a frown.
"The way the morning after pill works is very similar to how the pill works, it prevents your body from ovulating, from releasing an egg. Because of where I am in my cycle, I may have already done that. If I have, the morning after pill won't do any good."
He blinked and looked at me a moment. "Let me rephrase that, just to make sure I have everything straight. I may or may not have just gotten you pregnant. IF we decide to get a morning after pill, it may or may not work and you may still be pregnant. Do I have that right?"
"Pretty much."
"How long until we know for certain?"
"Some tests can show a positive result as early as seven days past ovulation. However, if you aren't absolutely sure when you ovulated, and I'm not, then the most reliable way is to wait until you're late to test."
"And that would be?"
"Two weeks, give or take a couple days."
"So, what you're telling me is we might reduce the chances, but might not, if we opt for the morning after pill. Either way, we won't know for two weeks?"
"In the mean time?"
"We continue to use protection. Once we know either way, we can decide from there. I can restart my pills, we can continue with condoms or both, if I'm not pregnant, that is."
"How soon do you have to take the morning after pill for it to work?"
"As soon as possible, but within seventy-two hours."
"So, if we decide against it tonight, but tomorrow we change our minds, it's not too late?"
"Not technically, though, it could already be too late, simply because of how it works."
"I understand." He took a deep breath and let it out as he leaned back against the arm of the couch. "If I said I have no opinion, that it's up to you, what would you do?" He held up both hands in front of him. "It's not what I'm saying that I just want to know what you would do without my input."
"I would risk it and not go for the medication." I didn't hesitate. "I knew it was a possibility before I did it and it was a consequence I could accept. If it comes to it, I'd have a baby and raise it on my own if I had to. But, if you want me to, if it will make you feel better, I'll get the pill and take it. I have no moral objection to it, it just isn't a choice I would make on my own."
"Good." Robin gave a relieve sigh. "I don't want the pill either. I say risk it, if it turns out, you're pregnant, then we'll deal with it." He tilted his head down and gave me a stern look. "You will not be raising my child alone, you know better. Even if we don't work out, I'll always be your friend, I would never leave you to deal with that alone."
I nodded. "So we chance it. No morning after pill and we'll find out for sure in two weeks, right?"
"You're all right with this?" I wanted to be sure.
"Perfectly." He nodded once.
"Okay, now that that's dealt with," I gave him a lecherous look. "What do you want to do now?"
He looked tired. "You know, all this started when I was getting ready for bed. I've had a long day. Some saucy wench took it upon herself to climb into the shower with me and drive me out of my mind." His gave me a soft smile. "My first option is, again, go to bed."
"Ohhh," I purred. "Bed, I can handle bed."
I stood and headed down the short hallway leading to my bedroom, pulling my tee shirt off over my head as I went. I made sure Robin was watching, then as I disappeared down the hall, I slipped my underwear off, making those last few steps totally nude.
"Coming?" I asked over my shoulder. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.
"Hell yes!" He rose from the couch to follow me.
By the time Robin made it to the bedroom, he was as naked as I was. I reminded him, he had agreed, I was in charge tonight and now that we were in the bedroom, my turn had begun.
"I remember. I have no doubt I'll enjoy every minute of it."
"I'm glad you're so confident. Lay down, on your back, hands over your head." I ordered, once he was in position, I reached under the headboard and pulled out the scarves I'd tied there earlier. I bound his hands in place. With his hands secure, I moved to the foot of bed and wrapped more scarves around his ankles. He had
room to flex and move some, but not enough to sit up or touch me unless I was close.
I went to my little boom-box style stereo, sitting on top of my dresser and turned it on. I'd already put in the music I wanted, something with a beat that made it good dance music. I began by dancing over him, twisting my body to barely brush his, moving in swift, sharp movements so my breasts bounced while he watched.
After the first song, the music softened and I began to rub up and down his body, tormenting him with the feel of my skin against his. I enjoyed the contrast of his hard, muscular body against the soft skin of my breasts and hands. I worked my way up his body until I was hovering just over him on my hands and knees while looking down into his face. His body was tight and hard.
"Do you want something?" I breathed against his ear.
I grabbed the last scarf from where I'd left it on top of the nightstand and tied it around his head, blindfolding him.
"Can you see anything?" I asked, barely whispering.
"Good." I breathed, my mouth against on ear. "Enjoy." I got up off the bed and turned up the music, not much, just enough that the sound coming from the stereo would cover any small noises my movements might make as I continued to torment him. I wanted his senses to be limited to touch, taste and smell as I drove him out of his mind.
I went back to the bed and softly ran my fingers up his legs, starting at the ankles and moving up. I drew light, playful designs over his calves and thighs, then sliding over his hipbones, and stomach to his chest where I lightly pinched and pulled at his taut nipples. When I pulled my hands away from his skin, Robin let out a soft moan, as if protesting the sudden loss of sensation.
I crawled up until I could kiss him. I plundered his mouth with my tongue, purring as his tongue battled with mine. After several long minutes, I pulled away and trailed my mouth down the side of his neck to kiss the base of his throat. I licked and nipped along his collarbone then moved up and used my teeth to tug at one earlobe before pulling away completely so, once again, I wasn't touching him at all.